Saturday, January 31, 2009

doing nothing...

Everyone of life's experiences are inherently meaningful. Not the meaning in terms of social approbation or what society perceives to be useful or productive. We all live in such productivist environment that unless we are seen as 'doing' something, we do not recognize the value of our existence. I have been caught up in this 'feeling useless' many a times only to find my answers in moments of doing nothing....

My most cherished moments are these moments of doing nothing... looking at the sky, gazing at the stars, watching children play, drawing some shapes on the wet bathroom floor... simple things that built a sense of contemplation... lots of time for my mind to breathe and come alive... There is so much richness in allowing your mind to wander and see your relationship with 'Nature' - where all is connected...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Knowing the eternal self

Awareness of ones self is knowledge and the lack of it, ignorance. Exploring the nature of the Self and thereby gaining knowledge is liberating. We do not have a sense of bondage when we sleep. A similar freedom from bondage is possible to one who has realized the eternal Self.

With the knowledge of the Self as a conscious awareness and not as a philosophical speculation ,one is able to experience the strong thread of connectivity that runs through the entire universe cutting across variety of creation - the universe making a strong statement celebrating differences amidst its oneness.

The truth is each one of us is in the midst of the universe and also inseparable from it: yet we are unable to feel connected to it because of the ignorance about the true nature of one’s Self. As long as we are conscious of the Self as an individual we are unable to feel connected.

The infinite range and variety in creation is a constant enigma waiting to be explored. The greatness of the ‘power’ or the person responsible for the laws and functioning of the universe is to be admired.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

the vagabond...

mind is such a vagabond.... so also my soul... I have come to fall in love with this aspect of me... It is liberating, it is real and it makes me feel alive... nothing binds me anymore, nothing stops me for long, nothing comes in the way of my wandering away.. i wander away in thought and spirit comfortably to find my own way... I fall, I stumble, I lose, I win, I learn and I keep going on.....